Team of Memmingen school pupils wins RoboCup World Championship - with the support of PFEIFER


02/2015 PFEIFER Group



Since 2002 the Bernhard Strigel Grammar School in Memmingen has been offering its pupils from the 1st year onwards the afternoon course "Robotics AG". The pupils design, make and program robots here that move around the room entirely without remote control and can sense their environment. The members involve themselves with a great deal of purposefulness and commitment in addition to their normal school day and in some cases even in parallel to their studies for the university entrance exams. PFEIFER supports the members of the Robotics AG in order to help apply the technology.



One of the largest international competitions in the field of robotics, the RoboCup, took place from 21 to 24 July 2014 in Joao Pessoa, Brazil. The Robotik-AG defended their world champions title in the discipline robot football. The robots designed by the pupils are programmed in such a way that they can automatically follow a ball and shoot it into the opponent’s goal or prevent the opponents from scoring a goal. In the end the Strigel team was successful and is thus retained its title as world champion. Without the generous support from PFEIFER the journey to Brazil would ultimately not have been possible. The pupils and the leader of the robotics workgroup offered their heartfelt thanks for that and brought along a small souvenir from Brazil: A Havaiana flip-flop - signed by all six world champions. A typical shoe for Brazilians that can be encountered everywhere. And even more pleasing is that all three grammar school graduates began a course of study in a MINT subject (Mathematics, IT, Natural Sciences and Technology) in the autumn. PFEIFER wishes them every success.

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